December 13, 2007

A Walk to rememeber

It was drizzling.Chilly weather.I pressed my fingers hard on the Hot Chocolate cup!!My other hand was buried in my jacket..The song in my Ipod changed from 'Evanescence' to 'Coming back to Life'.I waited for the signal.Didn't want to lift my head and look up,as it was really cold.The song brought back some memories into my mind.Felt kinda warm.Wish I could sing along with Roy Harper.loud enough to make sure I vent out my agonies with which I started this semester and with which I am still walking back home though I am officially done for Fall 2007.Like any any other grad I had a hell lot of dreams about assistant ships and funding.My favorite pass time of keeping a track of what I don't have in my hand.I just smiled, took a sip and a deep breath and just looked up to the signal lights..It was still RED..I smiled again at me,my weird worries,silly thoughts..It was all red around because it was Christmas time.Wonder why the Americans start the celebration so early.The whole place is lit to make you feel that there is happiness all around you,at every nook and corner.Those bright lights from the xmas trees and all the bouquets seems to tell me something.
Signal Changed.I resumed my walk trying hard to lift my head to see it..
Song Changed again..'iris'..
I need an inspiration.I thought.May be from nobody else but from myself..Start the celebration of life earlier.There is a long way to go.You know there is a xmas day.Every year there is.But I wont wait for the Christmas day..Let me celebrate it from this moment.My dreams and inspirations.The Philosophy of objectivism is to be embraced when nobody expects you to do it..You,yourself and me!!!Thats the tag..Like Hugh Grant sung in Music and Lyrics
I have been living with a cloud above my head
I need inspiration not another negotiation
Thanks to that signal point..
I reached my destination. Apt 311.Took the keys out.opened the doors to see the celebration which you deserve more than anybody on earth..I deserve the best??Yes I do...
Threw the plastic cup in the trash..Maybe a lot more.It just needs a second..:)


Anonymous said...

you need a break! rather than a celebration. I might sound pedagogic. But, there is a beautiful way of getting out of the rut. If you are someone who would appreciate books like "The Alchemist" , probably a very old book by Wallace Wattles says that if you need something, " Believe that you already have it and the universe will bring it to you ".

My personal experience epitomizes my faith in the transcendence of the present predicaments. Everything is in divine order. The falling rain drops never cry because it is going to hit the ground hard, but it sings because its racing at its best pace !!

Anonymous said...

If nothing around you inspires, one should luk within themselves for works mos often!..a gud one to remember!

R said...

Glad dear that you are finally understanding what I have been trying to tell you for so long. Just concentrate on the present, cherish what you have and believe that you will have better. Being an optimist is not so bad.. :)

by the way, next time you have hot chocolate better get some for me too... :p